Who can use our services?

Who can use my services?

You are probably here because another marketing professional has recommended you speak to me before using their services. However, I realise you may have simply stumbled across my site, or been made aware of my services by another client. For this reason, please 'read more' below to check your business is of a suitable type to benefit from my services.

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What do we do

What services do I offer?

Put simply, I use my knowledge, skills, experience and unique approach to strategic marketing, to ensure you get the very best results from every penny you spend on marketing. For some clients this will be in the form of a simple telephone consultation (to point them in the right direction), where as others require more in-depth assistance. 'Read more' for further details.

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About Us

What makes me different?

I specialise in the area of marketing that is often overlooked (and almost always misunderstood). It's the process that should be carried out immediately before the part people commonly refer to as 'marketing', when actually they are talking about advertising or promotional activity. I can help you to understand and use proper marketing strategy, to achieve much better results.

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This sounds great, what next?

This sounds great, what next?

The very best thing to do next is to contact me by using the contact form. I can then either arrange a time for a telephone consultation, or give you any further information you may require. Alternatively you can give me a call on 01722 632320. I very much look forward to helping you.

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